鲜亮丽的时装和细致无瑕的妆容以纽约为靠山的美剧总少不了光。e太平洋在线xg111《知心记》里的Rachel《愿望城市》中的鞋痴Carri,天然懂”的Queen S和Queen B当然尚有《绯闻女孩》中从幼深谙“买到深处。重看这些美剧有多少女人,眼她们的漂后造型呢只是禁不住念多看几?
an see it - hanging in my closet“I like my money right where I c。”
一部伴你发展的美剧呢?戏里哪个漂后女人的人命里没有,运气放诞晃动女主角们的;表戏,生共 鸣咱们产,己即是她们以至幻念自。剧情都记不清了多少年后也许,生和时尚的“励志金句”却永恒忘不掉但女主角们那些合于友爱、恋爱、人。伊始新年,美剧规语”迸发新灵感吧随着咱们回想 那些“,年里的第一件美事这便是2016。
e upbeat too“You would b,oots with 50% offif you got new b!”
happiness didn’t know where to shop“Whoever said that money doesn‘t buy。”
n high heels“Standing o,e whole worldI can see th。”
act is“The f,walk in a single woman’s shoessometimes it‘s really hard to 。and then to make the walk a little more funThat‘s why we need really special ones now 。”